
Showing posts from March, 2019



CHAPTER 3 Thumb: Pulgar Environment: Medio ambiente Pollution: Contaminación Eco-friendly: Ecológico Greenhouse gas: Gases de efecto invernadero Fossil fuels: Combustible fósil Global warming: Calentamiento global Flu: Gripe A caught: Tos CHAPTER 4   Earn: ganar dinero (trabajo) Messy: Sucio Pleased: Satisfecho Annoyed: Irritado Net: red


Chapter 7-8 Was over: Se acabó Couple: Pareja Greetings: Saludos Afterlife: Vida futura Thieves steal: Los ladrones roban Treasure: Tesoro Bury: Enterrar Locked: Candar Hunts: Cazas Pain: Dolor Badly injured: Gravemente lesionado Chapter 9-10 Heartbroken: Con el corazón roto Casket: Ataúd Mummy: Momia Wooden: De madera Damaged: Dañado Lead: Plomo Affairs: Asuntos Foreign minister: Ministro de relaciones exteriores The curse of the mummy: La maldición de la momia Chapter 11-12 Didn't trust: No confié en... Truth: Verdad Guests: Invitados Intended: Destinado Missed: Perdido


1.    What period does the Middle Ages cover? The Middle Ages lasts 10 centuries. From the fall of the Roman empire in 476 to the discovery of America in 1492. 2.  What general characteristics does it have (according to the teachers comments)? They lived from agriculture and Livestock, the church was of great importance and were the unicates who knew how to read, and was divided into social classes: privileged, not privileged and exclavs, the Romanesque and the Gotic are very important with the art 3. What is the main difference between ``troubadours and  minstrels´´? As nouns the difference between  troubadour  and  minstrel  is that  troubadour  is an itinerant composer and performer of songs in medieval europe; a jongleur or travelling minstrel while  minstrel  is (historical) a medieval traveling entertainer who would sing and recite poetry, often to his own musical accompaniment.  4. Pay attention to these two monuments (a Romantic church and a Gothic cathedral).What do