Lines: It can be defined as a dot in movement. It has position and direction in the space, and of the principal functions consists on marking the shapes' outlines.

Zigzag/Broken lines: They are formed by several fragments of straight lines with directions.

Wavy lines: They are formed by several fragments of curved lines.

Curly lines: They hold more curved than wavy lines and show loops.

Scribble: Chaotic lines that are traced randomly, usually to fill some area with a particular texture.

Hatching: Is a way of shading on areas of objects or surfaces with parallel lines.

Cross-hatching: Is a way of shading on areas of objects or surfaces with parallel lines in several directions.

Dashed/Dotted lines: There are lines that are not continuous, formed by little traces or dots.

Blurred: They are very soft so you can put shadowsto intense and deep.

Simple lines: They are formed by only one line.

Composite lines: They are lines composed by fragmets of several straight or curved lines.


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