- How would you describe the ``program music´´? (2 or 3 lines are enough).

Programmatic music is one that is conceived to express ideas or images beyond music, for example, a trip, a landscape or a battle. Its differs from absolute or pure music or one that explores aesthetics from the sonorous and musical.The rule is the convergence of the arts and motivation outside of music. Programmatic music is always instrumental. This acquires popularity in 19th century with Romanticism.
Resultado de imagen de ROMANTICISM MUSIC

- Choose one of the next examples (worked alredy a bit in Music classes) and do some research about the composer (4 or 5 lines are enough).

Antonio Lucio Vivaldi was a violinist and a composer, businessman and Catholic priest. He was born in Venice (Italy) on the 4th of March 1678 and he died on the 28th of July 1741.He was called the red priest.He composed more than 770 works , approximately 400 concerts (in which he had reflected his mastery) and 46 operas.He is known for being the author of violin concert series and The Four Seasons.

-This is the musical piece we are playing in the class. Do you believe the composer transmits the little meaning in a good manner? Why?

Because it has a calm and smooth rhythm. As it progresses , the melody increases the volume and it's faster, simulating the dawn and the beginning of the day.

-Which one do you prefer ? Why? (2 or 3 lines are enough).

I like the first song because it is slow and I like the rhythm, I don't like the second song because  two voices sing, one higher than the other voice and I don't like the third song because the last stanza is very fast unlike the other stanzas of the song.

-Who was Bob Dylan? (2 or 3 lines are enough). 
Bob Dylan is an American singer , musician and composer. He was born in Minnesota (E.E.U.U), on 24th of May 1941. His real name is Robert Allez Zimmerman. He has six children. He is an important figure in popular music of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. Much of his work was in the 1960s. The most important songs are ``Blowin ´ in the wind´´and ``A hard Rain´s a-Gonna Fall´´. 

-In Music classes I have told you about the sixties and the music of that period, including some videos. If you paid attention, you will be capable of writing down a summary. (4 or 5 lines are enough)

In the sixties in America they wore rather strange clothes.Women and Afro-Americans began to fight for their rights. There was a counter-cultural, pacifist movement that was the hippies, the V was invented which means victory or peace.  Hippies had a reputation for taking drugs (marijuana, LSD...) and they used to wear colourful, flowery clothes, paint using very colorful colors .There was a war ( the Korean war) between Russia and the United States. The USA supported South Korea and Russia supported North Korea. Some famous groups were: the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Mamas & the Papas, Jimmy Hendrix.

Resultado de imagen de caravana de los 60 hippie


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